Working toward a shared vision.
Imagine Downtown Chelan is a collaborative process led by the Historic Downtown Chelan Association and the City of Chelan that involves engaging the community and gathering input from diverse stakeholders. We seek to understand the needs, desires, and aspirations of the people who will use and inhabit the space.
Downtown Chelan is the economic engine and social heart of the Chelan community.
Chelan’s charming historic core is rooted in more than one hundred years of tradition and hosts a vibrant mix of retail, restaurants, and professional services. Our downtown is grounded in history and tradition with a future driven by a community vision. Imagine Downtown Chelan!
Revitalizing downtown Chelan will help preserve...
…our community’s identity, heritage, and sense of place while also making the downtown more attractive, user-friendly, and accessible.This includes streetscape enhancements like improving the sidewalks, crosswalks, and lighting; and will address the need for better connections from the downtown businesses with amenities like parking, public restrooms, and parks.
Survey Results and General Information
July 25, 2023
Assessment of Downtown Conditions
Including sidewalk widths and obstructions, Street tree and landscape conditions, Artworks, Traffic conditions, Streetlights, Pavement conditions, drainage, and snow removal, Trash collection and alleyways, Truck delivery requirements and options Maintenance programs.

November 28, 2023
City Council Decision on Configuration
January 9, 2024
City Council Decision on Palette

January 23, 2024
Phasing and Funding
March 2024
Final Design and Construction Documents

April 2024
Seek Funding for Downtown Projects
City Council hires Beckwith Consulting
City Council Scoping Workshop
Beckwith Consulting Downtown Walk-Through
Beckwith Consulting Briefs City Council
Meetings with Downtown Stakeholders and Partners
Open House
Beckwith Consulting Update Downtown Stakeholders and Partners
Beckwith Consulting Meeting with Downtown Stakeholders and Partners
Community Survey on Current Conditions
Open House on Current Conditions
Beckwith Consulting Briefs City Council on Current Conditions
Beckwith Consulting Briefs City Council on Current Conditions
Design Priorities Survey
Present Configuration Options to City Council
Live Demonstrations with Configuration Options
Community Survey with Configuration Options
Open House Final Configuration and Palette Options
City Council approves Configuration
City Council Shown Palette Options
Palette Options to Downtown Stakeholders and Partners
Community Survey - Palette Options
Open House – Palette Options
City Council selects Palette
Phasing and Funding Options (tentative date)
Construction Documents
Seek Funding
Comments or Questions?
Please contact:Aimee Sheridan
Executive Director, Historic Downtown Chelan Association
509-682-4322 aimee@historicchelan.org
Jake Youngren
Public Works Director, City of Chelan

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